VISION: Everyone and everything connected to the network. Eventually every man, woman, and child on the planet will be connected to the network. So will virtually everything with a digital or electrical heartbeat -- from mobile phones to automobiles, thermostats to razor blades with RFID tags on them. The resulting network traffic will require highly scalable, reliable systems, from Sun. MISSION: Solve complex network computing problems for governments, enterprises, and service providers.
At Sun, we're tackling complexity through system design. Through virtualization and automation. Through open standards and platform-independent Java technologies. In fact, we're taking a holistic approach to network computing in which new systems, software, and services are all released on a regular, quarterly basis. All of it integrated and pretested to create what we call the Network Computer.
EXPERIENCE: Two decades on the forefront of network computing.
From day one, all our systems included a network interface and all our employees were using electronic mail. That was 1982. Since then, Sun has established a of innovation and leadership that stretches from the protocols that propel the Internet to our widely adopted Java technology--used in everything from smart cards to supercomputers. We provide breakthroughs that change the way people work and the way companies do business.
UNDERSTANDING: The know-how to meet your business challenges.
In virtually every field--from manufacturing to financial services, telecommunications to education, retail to government, energy to health care--Sun is helping companies leverage the power of the Internet. To streamline processes and raise productivity. To reduce both costs and complexity. We understand the critical issues you face every day, and we offer proven products and comprehensive services to take your business where you want it to go--to a new level of competitive advantage.
INNOVATION: A way of computing that connects everyone.
Workstations that redefine high performance. Servers that give new meaning to high availability. High-speed networking. Robust system software. Intelligent network storage systems. Platform-independent Java and Jini technologies. A full range of products and services, and more than 35,000 employees in 100 countries dedicated to one thing--making you more successful.
COOPERATION: Bringing together the best solutions.
As broad as our product line is, we recognize that no single supplier of computing solutions can be all things to all people. That's why we've established long-standing relationships with leading companies worldwide. With value-added resellers who add capabilities to Sun systems for use in specialized markets. With original equipment manufacturers who incorporate Sun products and technologies in everything from embedded controllers to massively parallel supercomputers. And with independent software vendors who work with us to deliver tuned and tested business solutions--for enterprise resource planning, supply-chain management, data warehousing, and more. Not to mention systems integration firms who use Sun products to deliver comprehensive, integrated solutions for mixed-platform environments.
COMMITMENT: Quality services and support.
At Sun, we stand ready to help you design, test, deploy, and manage network computing solutions that can translate into real competitive advantage. Our professional services experts provide single-point-of-contact solutions to fit your business needs: managed services, utility computing, high-availability service packs, customer relationship management, network identity services -- whatever you need. And we're committed to fast response. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, our world-class team provides mission-critical support. We can even provide multivendor support that solves complex problems with one phone call.